
EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Extreme Scale access mode

EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Extreme Scale access mode

Opening date: 28 September 2022

Deadline model: Multiple cut-off.

Termíny uzávierok pre priebežné vyhodnotenie žiadostí o prístupu k zdrojom: 28. apríl 2023,  a 28. september 2023.

Táto výzva sa zameriava na aplikáciu HPC v oblasti inovatívneho výskumu s akcentom na vedecký prínos a jeho dopad. Výzva je zameraná na všetky oblasti vedy, otvorený výskum v priemysle a aplikácie vo verejnom sektore, ak žiadateľ odôvodní potrebu využiť extrémne veľkú kapacitu z hľadiska výpočtového času, ukladania dát a využitia podporných zdrojov.

The call is continuously open, with a maximum time-to-resources-access of 3 months after the date of cut-off.

Pre túto výzvu sú poskytnuté superpočítače EuroHPC – Lumi so sídlom vo Fínsku a Leonardo so sídlom v Taliansku. Viac podrobností o poskytnutých zdrojoch HERE.

Submission of applications will be done through the PRACE-calls portal. The call is open for all categories of applications (Scientific, Industry and Public Sector) defining three distinctive tracks respectively for each category.


The evaluation will be based on the technical review and scientific peer-review of all proposals. Award decisions will follow the ranking of proposals according to three criteria of: excellence, innovation and impact, and quality of implementation.

The allocations will be granted for a period of one year.

EuroHPC Extreme Scale Access the first deadline details - December 15th, 2022

Typ prístupu: EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Extreme Scale access mode

Opening Date: 28/09/2022 @ 00:01 Luxembourg Time

Closing Date: 15/12/2022 @ 10:00 Luxembourg Time

Communication of allocation decision: February 2023

Allocation period for awarded proposals: 01/03/2023 – 28/02/2024

Submission of Final Reports: Within three months after the completion of the project

Type of Access*: Single-year (12 months) or Multi-year (24 months)

All proposals consist of 2 parts:

  1. Online form
  2. Project scope and plan

    The Call for Proposals for EuroHPC JU Extreme Scale Access Mode is continuously open, with a maximum time-to-resources-access (start-date) of 3 months after the date of cut-off.

Project Extension

Zdroje sú udelené na jeden rok s možnosťou požiadať o pokračovanie projektu. Toto predĺženie musí byť riadne odôvodnené, je obmedzené na maximálne jeden ďalší rok a bude závisieť od posúdenia prebiehajúceho schváleného projektu.

Applicants (Principal Investigators) can only have one Extreme Scale Access awarded at any given time.

The Extreme Scale access mode is designed to serve research domains, industry open R&D and public sector applications call and is intended for applications with high-impact, high-gain innovative research, justifying the need for and the capacity to use extremely large allocations in terms of compute time, data storage and support resources. This access mode distributes resources, from the EuroHPC pre-exascale systems.

Applicants requesting access as a continuation to a running EuroHPC JU Extreme Scale Access must present, along with their application, the corresponding progress or final reports, using the templates available online on “Information for Awarded Projects”.

The computer systems and their operations provided for this Extreme Scale call by EuroHPC JU Hosting Entities are: Leonardo, located in Italy and LUMI, located in Finland.

Eligible Researchers

Researchers from academia, research institutes, public authorities and industry established or located in a Member State or in a country associated to Horizon 2020 are eligible to apply (for further details see Section 2– “Eligibility criteria” in the Extreme Scale Access call “Terms of Reference” document).  

This Extreme Scale access mode offers three distinctive application tracks:

The Scientific Access Track The Scientific Track, open to all fields of science, will call for applications with a case to enable progress of science in the domains covered. These applications are expected to be able to justify the need for large allocations in terms of compute time, data storage and support resources because they are significantly contributing to the progress in their domain. The Scientific Track prioritises 75% of the total resources available at each cut-off period.

The Additionally, the call includes an Industry Access Track and the Public Sector Track that Prioritises 20% and 5% respectively of the total resources available for this cut-off period for proposals with a Principal Investigator from industry or a public sector organization respectively.

The EuroHPC JU Access Resource Committee, composed of leading international scientists and engineers, ranks the proposals received and produces a recommendation to award EuroHPC JU resources based on scientific and technical excellence.



PRACE-ICEI Calls For Proposals Call #11

PRACE-ICEI Calls For Proposals Call #11

Are you one of the researchers from academia, research institutes in need of scalable computing resources, interactive computing services, VM services and data storage to carry on their research? PRACE - ICEI call for proposals is a great opportunity for you!

The eleventh call will be open from September 26, to October 24, 2022. Computing resources will be allocated in January 2023.  Calls will be open until resources are available. The PRACE ICEI program is open to all European researchers, research organizations needing resource allocations regardless of funding sources.

You are eligible to apply for the call for proposals only if you need one or more:

  • Scalable computing services.
  • Interactive computing services.
  • Virtual machine services.
  • Archival data repository.
  • Active data repository.

Proposal Requirements for PRACE ICEI:

  • Short description of the scientific goals and objectives including progress beyond state of the art and scientific impact.
  • Type of resources required i.e. scalable computing resource, interactive computing resources, VM services, archival and active data repositories.
  • Resources requests based on limits defined above (including information on scalability for scalable compute resources requests).
  • Description of the software and services needed to successfully complete the project.
  • Description of the research methods (including a project workplan), algorithms, and code parallelization approach (including memory requirements).
  • Information on Data Management.
  • Description of special needs (if any).

The resources in these calls are from the FenixResearch Infrastructure, funded by the European ICEI project HERE.

Do you need some help or have questions? Do not hesitate to contact us.


EuroHPC JU Call For Proposals For Regular Access Mode

EuroHPC JU Call For Proposals For Regular Access Mode

Are you a researcher from academia, research institutes, public authorities or industry? Is your institution established or located in a Member State or in a country associated to Horizon 2020? Use a great opportunity to get access to pre-exascale and petascale supercomputers!

This call is continuously open. Cut-off date for 2022 is 4 November 2022 – 10:00 AM CET.  The allocations are granted for one year with the option for projects to apply for a continuation (maximum) 12 months. Access will be granted to applicants within two months of the closing date.

The Regular Access call is organised by the EuroHPC JU with the support of PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe). All proposals must be submitted via the PRACE Peer-Review Tool. The call is open to all fields of science, industry, and the public sector. The projects should be designed to enable progress and innovation in their respective domains.

The next closing date is November 4, 2022 – 10:00 a.m. (CEST)

The computer systems that will undertake the operations for the projects chosen for this regular access call are: Vega (Slovenia), MeluXina (Luxembourg), Discoverer (Bulgaria), Karolina (Czech Republic), LUMI (Finland) .
More detailed information can be found on HERE.

Do you need some help or have questions? Do not hesitate to contact us.


The Fourteenth Call for Applications to SHAPE

The Fourteenth Call for Applications to SHAPE
  • Type of Access: SHAPE
  • Opening Date: 01/10/2021
  • Closing Date: 15/11/2021 Brussels Time

SHAPE offers European SMEs the opportunity to:

  • Use HPC for business innovation
  • Increase competitiveness
  • Benefit from the expertise and knowledge developed within the top-class PRACE Research Infrastructure.

The Fourteenth Call for Applications to SHAPE (SME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe) invites applications from European SMEs with an interesting idea that would benefit from High Performance Computing for increasing their competitiveness. SHAPE aims to work with selected SMEs to introduce HPC-based tools and techniques into their business, operational, or production environment. The selected solutions should bring a potential tangible Return on Investment to the SME’s business.

The SHAPE process is as follows:

The SME can send the completed application by e-mail to shape-application[at]prace-ri.eu The form in Microsoft Word format can be found HERE If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us: eurocc@nscc.sk

The applications are then reviewed and rated, based principally on the strength of the business case and technical feasibility of the proposed work. The successful SMEs can then receive machine time on a PRACE system, and most importantly effort from a PRACE expert to work alongside the SME in evaluating and/or developing the HPC-based solution. In return the SME provides in-kind effort, publicity of their participation in SHAPE, and together with the PRACE expert, produces a public white paper on the work achieved in the project at its conclusion.

PRACE experts will work with the selected SMEs in order to develop their solutions, providing the participating SMEs with knowledge that will allow them to make an informed decision on the selected HPC solution. 

For more information and to apply please visit PRACE SHAPE.


PRACE 24th Call for Proposals for Project Access

PRACE 24th Call for Proposals for Project Access
  • Type of Access: Project Access
  • Opening Date: 09/09/2021
  • Closing Date: 02/11/2021 @ 10:00 Brussels Time
  • Applicants’ reply to scientific reviews: Mid-January 2022
  • Communication of allocation decision: End of March 2022
  • Allocation period for awarded proposals: 01/04/2022 – 31/03/2023
  • Type of Access (*): Single-year Project Access and Multi-year Project Access

(*) All proposals consist of 2 parts: An online form and the ‘Project scope and plan’. Please note that if you wish to continue work on a project that has finished or is ongoing, a new proposal (i.e. a continuation proposal) needs to be submitted via the platform in addition to a final/progress report.

Industry Access: Call 24 offers Principal Investigators from industry the possibility to apply for Single-year access to a special Industry Track which prioritises 10% of the total resources available.

The computer systems (called Tier-0 systems) and their operations that are accessible through PRACE are provided for this 23rd call by 5 PRACE hosting members: BSC representing Spain, CINECA representing Italy, ETH Zurich/CSCS representing Switzerland, GCS representing Germany and GENCI representing France.

Scientists and researchers can apply for access to PRACE resources. Industrial users can apply if they have their head offices or substantial R&D activity in Europe.

Proposals can be based on a 12-months schedule (Single-year Projects), or, on a 24- or 36-months schedule (Multi-year Projects). The allocation of awarded resources is made 1 year at a time with provisional allocations awarded for the 2nd and 3rd year.

You can find more information and submit your application HERE.



DIGITbrain – Call for proposals in 2022

DIGITbrain Project is an EU innovation program (coordinated by PNO Consultants) to give SMEs easy access to digital twins.

A Digital Twin is the virtual representation of a product, system or process that simulates its physical attributes in the real-world in real time. By collecting data from its physical counterpart, manufacturers are enabled to streamline the manufacturing process and make predictions with regard to machine failures or maintenance needs.

V porovnaní s konceptom digitálnych dvojičiek, ktorý sa už v súčasnosti využíva vo výrobných procesoch mnohých spoločností, chce projekt DIGITbrain zájsť ešte o krok ďalej a vyvinúť tzv. ‘Digital Product Brain’, ktorý by zbieral a ukladal dáta z celého cyklu výrobnej línie alebo stroja. Toto sa uplatní v novom koncepte výroby, ktorý sa nazýva “výroba ako služba” (Manufacturing-as-a-Service / MaaS). Tento koncept umožní výrobu podľa požiadaviek klienta, produkciu špecializovaných výrobkov a to aj v menších množstvách a zároveň stále ekonomicky.

Experiments will be implemented in close collaboration with Digital Innovation hubs and technical partners of competence centers. This interaction should start during proposal preparation, DIHs and technical partners of competence centers acting as business and technical supporters for applicants. This collaboration should continue during the experiments’ deployment and execution.

The 2nd Open Call for application experiments will be open from 31st March 2022 for three months until the End of June 2022. Learn more about the program HERE.


PRACE-ICEI Calls For Proposals – Call #6

PRACE-ICEI Calls For Proposals – Call #6

The resources in these calls are from the Fenix Research Infrastructure, funded by the European ICEI project (https://fenix-ri.eu/).

These calls for proposals are for European researchers from academia, research institutes in need of scalable computing resources, interactive computing services, VM services and data storage to carry on their research.

Submission dates

Calls are organised quarterly calls according to the following timeline (calls will be open until resources are available):

 Call openingCall closureAllocation
Call #631/05/202109/07/2021From 01/10/2021
Call #720/09/202129/10/2021From 01/01/2022

Dates for calls in 2022 will be announced later in 2021.

The allocations are limited to 12 months.

The PRACE ICEI program is open to all European researchers, research organizations needing resource allocations regardless of funding sources.

You are eligible to apply for the call for proposals only if you need one or more:

  • Scalable computing services
  • Interactive computing services
  • Virtual machine services
  • Archival data repository
  • Active data repository

PRACE ICEI Proposal Requirements

  • Short description of the scientific goals and objectives including progress beyond state of the art and scientific impact
  • Type of resources required i.e. scalable computing resource, interactive computing resources, VM services, archival and active data repositories
  • Resources requests based on limits defined above (including information on scalability for scalable compute resources requests)
  • Description of the software and services needed to successfully complete the project
  • Description of the research methods (including a project workplan), algorithms, and code parallelization approach (including memory requirements)  
  • Information on Data Management
  • Description of special needs (if any)

More information on resources available and the submission process can be found HERE.


HPC-Europa3 – Transnational Access

HPC-Europa3 – Transnational Access

Funding for research visits to build international networks in HPC: Network, Compute, Learn, Travel

The project HPC-Europa project is based on a program of visits, in the form of traditional transnational access, with researchers visiting HPC centres and/or scientific hosts who mentor them scientifically and technically for the best exploitation of the HPC resources in their research. The visitors are financially supported for travel, accommodation and subsistence, and provided with an amount of computing time suitable for the approved project (PLEASE NOTE: the provided funding is not a salary and not meant to cover ALL costs but it is meant to be an help to support the visiting period).

The calls for applications are issued 4 times per year and published online on the HPC-Europa3 website. The next closing date will be on 09th Sept 2021 (23:59 CEST). The programme will end in April 2022 so do not miss the last calls!

It is recommended that researchers apply between 2 and 4 months before the start of their visit. Successful applicants will visit for between 3 and 13 weeks.

A web-based interface has been set-up to submit applications. Detailed guidelines and on-line FAQs are provided to assist the applicants with the process.

If you wish to apply for a visit grant and if you intend to spend a research period in one of the 9 countries of the HPC centres part of the project, please read the guidelines and then fill in the online form. If you have any question concerning the project or the application procedure feel free to contact the project coordinators.

The Supercomputing centres participating in the Transnational Access activity are: CINECA (Bologna – IT), EPCC (Edinburgh – UK), BSC (Barcelona – SP), HLRS (Stuttgart – DE), SurfSARA (Amsterdam – NL), CSC (Helsinki – FIN), GRNET (Athens, GR), KTH (Stockolm, SE), ICHEC (Dublin, IE).


13th PRACE SHAPE Call for Proposals

  • Type of Access: SHAPE
  • Opening Date: 01/04/2021 @ 16:59
  • Closing Date: 01/06/2021 @ 17:00 Brussels Time

SHAPE offers European SMEs the opportunity to:

  • Use HPC for business innovation
  • Increase competitiveness
  • Benefit from the expertise and knowledge developed within the top-class PRACE Research Infrastructure.

The Thirteenth Call for Applications to SHAPE (SME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe) invites applications from European SMEs with an interesting idea that would benefit from High Performance Computing for increasing their competitiveness. SHAPE aims to work with selected SMEs to introduce HPC-based tools and techniques into their business, operational, or production environment. The selected solutions should bring a potential tangible Return on Investment to the SME’s business.

The SHAPE process is as follows:

The SME applies to the programme via the online or downloadable form HERE. At this stage assistance is available from PRACE if required, but the form also includes guidelines on the expected content.

The applications are then reviewed and rated, based principally on the strength of the business case and technical feasibility of the proposed work. The successful SMEs can then receive machine time on a PRACE system, and most importantly effort from a PRACE expert to work alongside the SME in evaluating and/or developing the HPC-based solution. In return the SME provides in-kind effort, publicity of their participation in SHAPE, and together with the PRACE expert, produces a public white paper on the work achieved in the project at its conclusion.

PRACE experts will work with the selected SMEs in order to develop their solutions, providing the participating SMEs with knowledge that will allow them to make an informed decision on the selected HPC solution. 

For more information and to apply please visit PRACE SHAPE.


Call H2020-JTI-EuroHPC-2020-03 - Training and Education on High Performance Computing

Call H2020-JTI-EuroHPC-2020-03 - Training and Education on High Performance Computing

Central objective of this call will be to develop and implement the pilot(s) of the European Master of Science (MSc) programme(s) for High Performance Computing (HPC). The graduate education programme(s) will focus HPC and HPC-usage. They will demonstrate the added value of a pan-European education programme, committed to academic excellence, that offers students an outstanding career perspective in international companies and research institutes.

The call aims at creating one or more pan-European pilots for the development of a modern HPC-centred education programme to reach scientific and industrial target groups and to serve key actors in the private and public sector.

Proposal requirements:

Proposals under this action should detail a pilot programme that aims to develop a quality-controlled educational master programme for HPC and industrial applications in HPC of pan-European reach.

Consortium requirements:

The consortium should demonstrate a good mix of excellence in education, research and in HPC technologies and applications, with solid links to the HPC supply and user industry in Europe. Moreover, the participating institutions should demonstrate complementary and well-justified roles in the programme with an outstanding track record in their respective field. The consortium should support inclusivity in Europe and help in creating a level-playing field across Europe, and in particular for those countries currently developing their HPC infrastructure and ecosystem.

As consortium partners following types of institutions are eligible:

  • Higher education institutions (HEI) that are able to deliver a curriculum equivalent to 120 ECTS credits and award a master degree diploma (coordinator and main partners)
  • Supercomputing centers
  • Research institutions focused on HPC
  • Other entities eligible for participation in H2020, including private and for-profit companies, are eligible to participate in the action in exceptional and well-justified cases.

The estimate budget for this action is 7 mil. EUR. The funding rate for eligible costs in grants awarded by the JU for this topic will be 100% of the eligible costs.

The call is open until July 1st, 2021. More information can be found HERE.